16 October 2015

SAS Log Window

SAS(statistical analysis software) programming/framework and is one of the coordinated frameworks of programming items gave by the Northern Carolina State University. SAS empowers developers to perform different errands like Storage, Retrieval, Management and Mining of clinical information. Software engineers can likewise perform Report composing, factual investigation and speak to the information graphically that obviously exhibits its centrality.

SAS Environment has numerous windows to perform diverse undertakings on the SAS Environment, supervisor window, log window, yield window, voyager window and result window.

Log window is one of the windows which is extraordinarily intended to recognize blunders that are created amid system coding part and it likewise keeps a record of everything that has been done inside of the programming part. These programming articulations are recognized by line numbers, blended with SAS proclamations are informed from SAS into log window. These messages may start with the words NOTE, INFO, WARNING, ERROR or a mistake number and they may allude to a SAS explanation by its line number in the log.

Training SAS Log:

Developers can teach SAS yield to compose extra data to the log by utilizing the accompanying proclamations:

PUT explanation:

Composes chose lines (counting content strings and DATA step variable qualities) to the SAS sign in the present cycle of a DATA step.

%PUT explanation:

Empowers to compose a content string or full scale variable qualities to the SAS log. %PUT is a SAS large scale program explanation.

PUTLOG articulation:

Composes a client determined message to the SAS log.

LIST articulation:

Keeps in touch with the SAS log the information records for the information line that is being handled. The LIST articulation works just on information that are perused with an INPUT proclamation. It has no impact on information that are perused with a SET, MERGE, MODIFY or UPDATE proclamation.

Information proclamation with settling choice:

Keeps in touch with the SAS log a note for the starting and end for each settling level of DO-END and SELECT-END explanations.

Blunder explanation:

Sets the programmed _ERROR_ variable message on to the log window.

Modifying SAS Log window:

Software engineers can likewise redo their log window by utilizing a few articulations. At the point when there are vast SAS creation projects or an application that needs to keep running all the time without changes and might need to stifle a log's portion of the projects that are produced as a matter of course. A SAS framework alternative empowers to stifle SAS explanations and framework messages, and to constrain the quantity of blunder messages.

A SAS's percentage framework alternatives that can be utilized to adjust the log's substance are as per the following:

CPUID/NOCPUID: This choice determines whether equipment data is composed to the SAS log.

Reverberation: Specifies a message to be composed to the SAS log while SAS framework is instated.

MLOGIC: This choice composes large scale execution follow data to the SAS log.

MLOGICNEST: This choice composes large scale settling execution follow data to the SAS log.

MPRINT/NOMPRINT: indicates whether SAS articulations that are produced by full scale execution are composed to the SAS log.

NOTES/NONOTES: indicates whether notes (messages starting with NOTE) are composed to the SAS log. NONOTES does not stifle mistake or cautioning messages.

SOURCE/NOSOURCE: indicates whether SAS composes source articulations to the SAS log.

SYMBOLGEN/NOSYMBOLGEN: Specifies whether the consequences of determining large scale variable references are composed to the SAS log.

How Errors are appeared in Log window:

Mistakes are otherwise called bugs. These mistakes in a SAS programming dialects are the ones that cause an undesirable, generally startling result. Restricted of arranging bugs/mistakes in SAS is to partition them into three sorts of blunders: punctuation mistakes, information mistakes and rationale mistakes.

Language structure mistakes: result from neglecting to take after SAS rules about the way catchphrases are assembled to make articulations.

Cases: missing semicolon, uninitialized variable and missing variable.

Information blunders: have a program that is linguistically solid however comes up short in light of information values that don't fit the system as it was composed.

Cases: missing qualities were created, invalid information, character field is truncated and so forth.

Rationale mistakes: have a program that runs and information that fits, yet the outcome/reports that it needs to produce isn't right in light of the fact that the system accomplishes something else than it is expected to do.

Illustrations: DATA step creates wrong results yet no blunder message.


SAS log window is majorly used to check the fruitful running of the projects and to troubleshoot and dodge the blunders that happen amid the SAS programming.

Watchwords: measurable, investigation, programming, framework, coordinated, frameworks, programming, Storage, Retrieval, Management, Mining, clinical information, SAS, proclamations, information

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